Wednesday, October 27, 2010

No More Silence

I loved “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Actions”. I thought it had an amazing message for all of us to think about. While certain silences can have their benefits, I think that Lorde is mainly speaking about the silence that each and every person uses when they don’t want to express what they are thinking about, whether because they are afraid or anything else. This is the kind of silence that we think offers some sort of protection, when in fact it just keeps you in the dark and isolated from others that might be experiencing the same things you are.

I also understand her viewpoint about her experience with cancer, and how that brought about her revelations about silence. I hear stories about how cancer has made things clearer to people because it is an experience that really forces you examine your life. People really come to grips about where their lives are and what they have or haven’t done in their lifetimes. I hear stories like this all the time through my work with the American Cancer Society, but what I like about Lorde’s evaluation of silence is that it is a message so simple that we should all know and embrace already, but we don’t. We use silence as a protection all the time. I know I have done it too many times to count. But we never get anywhere by staying silent. It just keeps us at the same point in our lives. It is when we finally discover why we use silence, and finally learn to speak up that we start moving forward again.

I also thought that her daughter’s point about not being a whole person when you remain silent was quite enlightening as well. I like the idea that you are finally whole when you speak your mind because what you are speaking are your own thoughts. No matter what anyone else says, you have a right to think and speak your own mind, and no one has the right to tell you that your thoughts and ideas are stupid or dumb. It was fear of those people who say things like that that made me stay silent. And after reading this speech, I hope I will never give anyone that power over me ever again.

(Sarah Jaworowicz, Post 16)

1 comment:

  1. Your post makes the important distinction that Lorde is not arguing that all forms of silence are bad and all acts of speech good. Rather, she is urging us to break those silences that are created by fear and can have a negative impact upon us. In particular, I like your observation that the idea of breaking harmful silences seems like a relatively simple message, yet we all have trouble doing so. I am glad that you have had such a positive response to Lorde's words. Nicely done.

    You might be interested in checking out Lorde's book which the speech was published in entitled The Cancer Journals.
