Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Africaqn American Rights

In this essay, many good points are brought up about African American rights. I think that the message being conveyed here is that African Americans have been imprisoned for so long and now they should have their voice to speak out and say what is on their mind. The song she writes about describes how mistreated and how poor Blacks were and how labor took affect on their lives. Speaking out from this African American writer is a good way to give African Americans the courage and strength they need to come together and fight for their rights. Forming unity with each other is a major step in receiving equality and freedom.

Reading about Kwanza seems like it has a major impact on African Americans. Each day represents something special to them. Unity is important because it forms a bond between them that cannot be broken. Self determination is important because it helps them through life and succeed their goals that they strive for and givers them the power to break away and become free within oneself. The last elemnt that was talked about was work and responsibility. This is important because it gives and African American an identity that represents who they are and what they stand for. It is important for them because they want to be treated like a normal person and this is one of the ways that they can show that by hard work and taking responsibility for thir actions. (Mason Roessler Post 14)

1 comment:

  1. Make sure to mention that the reading you are responding to is Audre Lorde's speech "The Transformation of Silence Into Language and Action." Is Lorde speaking only about issues faced by African Americans, or is she speaking about difference in general? Is this an important distinction to make in terms of her overall message?
