Friday, October 29, 2010

Breaking the Barrier

"The Transformation of Silence into Language" was an inspiring story. Audre Lorde had explained the significance of communication with society. Silence is something that can be fixed, one that can be rendered in order for a voice to be heard. Everyone has a voice, but sometimes it is difficult to speak about what is on one's mind. Silence is not a shield to hide behind but rather a shield that must be broken to reveal the true person. Lorde makes it sound as if we shouldn't be afraid to speak and to produce a voice which will represent who you are. The story that she shares about the cancer situation is tough and very sad, but a voice became the antidote. It is our silence that keeps us from being free and sharing ourselves to the world, so we must break this silence barrier and speak up.

Silence is a cage, a barrier, a wall in which we must break through. Lorde had explained that death is the ultimate silence when no more life is present. Death can prevent us from saying what it truly important to us, and we should thereby say what is on our minds before it is too late. That is to say that we shouldn't go around saying every last detail on our minds, but rather what is important and to have a voice for society to recognize you by. One's voice is a powerful tool in that it can allow one to connect to their surroundings. We should speak the truth and free ourselves from silence, because silence could evidently be the death of you.
(David Roberts, Post 16)

1 comment:

  1. This post is a good summation of Lorde's major points in regard to the issue of silence.
