Saturday, October 30, 2010

For Granted?

I think we take the ability to read, write and speak for granted. In the story "Speech Sounds" there were two separate people who had the ability. Rye could speak and Obsidian could read and write. In society today, I think we take the ability for granted because many people do not have it.
When people can not read or write, or speak they are put into separate classes when you are young. Many people are not well educated, and for that reason they are put down. In schools today, kids are tested. If the tests results come back low they are put with special help. The kids that are with the special help get picked on by the other kids. I saw it happen in my school when i was in high school the word "Retarded" was used. (Nicole Butzke, Post 16).

1 comment:

  1. It seems as though you are suggesting that our society needs to place more importance on language skills. Namely that more resources should be allocated in terms of helping young people to red, write, and speak proficiently. These are interesting observations, but I would have liked you to connect them back to the story itself. How does "Speech Sounds" more directly relate to the situation you describe? Does the story allow us to understand something about this situation we ordinarily would not?
