Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mum's the Word

In "Speech Sounds," there is great significance to the story's theme of the characters using gestures instead of actual words to talk to one another. It is however important to use words frequently. Words are like air in that everybody needs it and everybody uses it. They form sentences to make statements, comments, or questions. If we did not use words, how would anybody know what we are talking about? These blog entries consists of words to let each other know what is on our minds. Words are imporatnt to everyday life such as reading the newspaper to keep updated on current events, Presidential speeches to let our nation know the status that we are in, and just simply talking to friends by finding common interest between them. Anywhere you look you always see words. Some our rules and guidelines that are to be respected and some are grafitti designs that people use to get their point across. Bottom line is without words, our society cannot function.

Gestures can be useful in some situations too. In playing baseball, the batter and runners look for signs and signals by their coaches as a code to either bunt or steal depending on their strategies. Same thing with the pitcher and cather giving out signs instead of talking so the other team does not know what you are going to do next. Crossing guards use hand motions to direct traffic so people can see if they can continue to drive on and know when to stop. In ways gestures can be helpful and easier than words, but they do go hand in hand with each other so you really do need both to function and not one without the other. (Mason Roessler Post 13)

1 comment:

  1. Great meditation on the importance of words, though I would liked to have seen you discuss the actual story more in conjunction with your observations. It seems as though the premise Butler devises in her story powerfully allows us to realize just how significant words are and how we often take them for granted.
