Saturday, November 13, 2010


In Tod Browning's "Freaks," the circus performers use the negative stereotypes to their own advantage at the end of the story. Throughout the show, the "normal" people working at the circus separated themselves from the "freaks." They felt superior because they did not have some sort of disability, and therefore ridiculed and took advantage those who did. For example, Hun was taken advantage of by Venus because of his feelings for her. Because she was "normal sized," she felt that it was okay to play with Hun's emotions in order to get his inheritance. At the end of the story, her treatment of the disabled comes back to haunt her when she is turned into a chicken by all of the people she used to ridicule. The disabled circus performers used the negative stereotypes of Venus in order to scare her before turning her into a chicken. They accepted the things that made them different, and used these differences to their own advantage in order to get revenge.

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