Friday, November 12, 2010

Blog Prompts: Browning's Freaks

Hi everyone,

If you are stumped as to what to blog about this week consider responding to one of the discussion questions I passed out in class on Freaks. I will re-post them below for your reference.

1. Browning (a former circus performer himself) never represents his characters’ actual performances within Madame Tetrallini’s circus, but rather chooses to depict their lives behind the scenes. Why do you think this is?
2. Why is it that the freaks are viewed as children or as child-like? How do they challenge this view within the film?
3. How is sexuality represented in the film? In what ways do freaks trouble traditional sexuality?
4. Are women depicted in a positive light within the film? Give a few examples.
5. Is Browning’s film problematic in that he depicts the freaks as objects of interest, fascination, and visual curiosity, or does he ultimately allow his viewers to achieve a more sympathetic understanding of them?
6. How do the freaks change throughout the film? Does the film reinforce the notion that individuals with disabilities are outcasts and to be feared?
7. Did the film at all make you uncomfortable? If so, why?

Or you may want to analyze the above image that was used to advertise the film.


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