Saturday, November 13, 2010

Freeks Are People Too

The movie "Freeks" was very interesting to watch. It looked at the behind the scenes of a circus to find out what the performers are really like. They were very upbeat and energized but not all of them got along. When Cleopatra and Hercules were tricking Hans into thinking that Cleopatra and him were gonna get married, the rest of the performers got there revenge and put an end to Hercules and Cleopatra for good. It was interesting to see all the different characters with different appearances and abilities come together to form a bond to take Hercules and Cleopatra down. It showed the behind the scenes action because people can be decieving fwhen they are onstage to when they go backstage. We saw this here how Cleopatra was a fake and Hercules was a scam artist.

When Hans was lonely, Rita was his only friend. She looked out for him and stuck up for him and cared for him. She loved him more than anybody else. Those were the last words in the movie. I think this is giving the message of not to look past the people that care about you for something that was never even there in the first place. This is how it started out in the beginning to when Rita and Han were talking about their engagement. The story revolved around Han and his desire for love but did not find it because he was looking in the wrong spots. When he spent his fortune on the house he had purchased, it showed that he felt a little better about himself and was not wasting his time on people that never cared for him. (Mason Roessler Post 18)

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