Friday, November 12, 2010

The freaks definitely had a dramatic change from beginning to end. In the beginning the freaks were portrayed as almost normal human beings. The "child-like" freaks played in the wooded area and were having a lot of fun. This is an activity that most children do. When you get a group of children together they sing and dance around, laughing. In this notion the "freaks" are normal. Then we are brought to the circus environment and where they live. Again they are portrayed as normal. They live as a community and have different romances throughout. The girls that are attached together find "love" and even Hans and Frieda have a romance that actually finds a conflict like some normal romances do.

As the movie progresses it continues to portray the characters as normal human beings. When we get to the second part after the wedding is when the changes occur. At the wedding dinner Cleopatra poisons Hans because Frieda told her about his fortune. Cleopatra becomes intoxicated and starts making fun of the freaks just as they are welcoming into being one of them. Hans is very upset about this. After the dinner the freaks all come together to find refenge onto Cleopatra and Hercules. All the freaks turn into "monster-like" creatures in order to refenge Cleopatra for what she has done to Hans. As they attack her and Hercules you see the animal like behaviors come out. UNfortunately, refenge is a normal human being action and sometimes we do act like animals when we want refenge but the movie portrays more aggressive monster-like actions.
(Kelcey Summers 19)

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