Saturday, November 13, 2010

Eli Claire- Person of Nature

As we viewed the photo of Eli Claire, we gathere some assumptions of the message he was rtying to convey. Since he had a sex changed, the characteristics of him made him that more unusual. He had a tree going through his shirt which stood for him bein one with nature. He also had features a man but also of a woman too. His book exile and pride describes him exactly. He was exhiled from society because he did not know hwere to fit in but he still took pride in himself for not being down by what other people thought of him. He was one that took pride in him writing and that is why he is such a greater writer.

Eli Claire can be labeled as a freak. This is not saying that he is a freak and should be bannished from society. It is saying that he is a freak where he had a sex change which made him different which caused him to act differently which is where the term freak comes in. Being a freak can be looked at two ways. It can be seen as a person who is abnormal and seen in society as weird and an outcast. It also can be seen as a person who is different but has a very unique ability which is labeled as a freak as being not human but in a good way where it would be impossible to out beat him. Eli Claire is a freak in a way where he is different, but has a unique ability to write just like anybody else and have a passion for it too. (Mason Roessler Post 17)

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