Saturday, November 20, 2010


Marjanes' grandmother comes to town to visit and explains the hardships and poverty of years past. Growing up was hard because the work load was more heavy and it was harder to live by living with a lot of people and poverty just made it worst. The difficulties in it is hard because of the fact that Iran is not such a developed country in ways that America is developed. The technology is different and the people are different because Iran is a country that focuses more on the traditions and America is a country that focuses on more the luxuries than their own traditions. This is why it can be hard for an Islamic person to go to an American school because of all the technological advances they lack.

The Iranian regime has much to do with the outcomes of the Islamic faith. Children are brought up as corrupted individuals who are forced to join their military at a young age so they can increase their military numbers. They are trained to kill soldiers and civilians and have the advantage because nobody would want to see a child be killed. They use this strategy as a psychological effect so that children with guns can get closer to the opposing forces and exterminate them. In order to stop this crisis, the regime must be stopped and brought down and train the corrupted individuals to become normal people once again. (Mason Roessler Post 20)

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