The main character, Marji, can be portrayed as a "normal and typical" teenage girl but when you look closer at the story she is conveying you see that she lives in a war stricken country. She is sent away and the pictures help tell the story of her new life in Austria better than words can ever do. For one example of the way the pictures tell the story better than words could is when the family is pulled over after coming from a party and the cop follows them home. I don't think words can explain the stress the family was undergoing when the grandmother and Marji had to run upstairs and dump everything before the cop came up. The pictures show this worry and anxiety way better than words. Another example is when ZoZo and Shirin come pick up Marji from the airport in Austria. In the car, Shirin has possessions that Marji would have never been allowed to have. The expressions on both their faces throughout their conversation would be difficult to convey in words. This is a great book so far and I am really enjoying the graphic novel component!
(Kelcey Summers 21)
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