Saturday, November 20, 2010

Change of view

Before I started to read The Complete Persepolis my views of Iran were solely based on the radicalists in the nation. I thought the whole country was this way that everyone had the same ideas. When I started to read more and more I learned that it wasn't the whole nation thinking the same way. The majority of the people in the nation think differently than the head Regime. While reading it the book pointed out that there were a couple different ways to take things on how the government is supposed to be set up.
Also in reading this book Satrapi points out her personal views as to whats taking place. God was a big point of her life. She would point out how the leaders who were in charge were chosen by God to be there. Her father instead told her that the leaders actually weren't chosen by God instead they got there by greed and wealth. It put a focus on how things should have been and what they truly were. When a person wanted to change things to how they should be they were swayed by money to not change a thing.
Kevin Ostempowski Post 1

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