Saturday, November 6, 2010

Medical Advances Weigh Heavily Against Human Morals

Many people instinctively throw the idea of using someone with a disability as an example away and consider it appalling. When people do this, they begin to fully consider the situation, but do not realize most of the time consent is required for these studies or shows. Another common issue arising now however, is how disabled must someone be to be considered unable to consent for their self? These two factors are very controversial and discussed and protested against frequently.
Addressing the issue of someone being disabled helplessly, the government should make much more specific guidelines and/or laws to aid in the determination of whether someone is responsive enough to handle themselves or not. These guidelines should include things such as reaction times, their ability (based off of their disease and the level of the disease they are at) to handle real life situations and their decision making skills. For example an elderly person who cant speak at all should still be able to live by themselves instead of in a nursing home by law.
-Derek Guarino

1 comment:

  1. This post is more a continuation of your previous post as opposed to a post in its own right. I am still looking for you to take the next step and relate these observations to something from the reading. I do, however, appreciate your passionate discussion of the issue of consent.
