Saturday, November 6, 2010


I feel as if someone who is able to take care of themselves should be able to have a kid. Some people are considered disabled can have a kid. The parents can still care for the kid, and the kid will have parents there for them when they get older. I'm not saying that people who can not take care of themselves should not have kids but it would be harder. If someone has to take care of a disabled person, and a kid would be extremely hard. Not only for the person who is taking care of the disabled person, but also for the kid as they grow old.
The doctors and government classifies you as if you are disabled or not. I have not really thought about this, until this reading. I know from a personal experience, how it feels to know someone that you love who is considered disabled. They are able to do everything except use that one body part. They raised a great family for being classified as disabled. (Nicole Butzke, Post 19)

1 comment:

  1. You point to Clare's important observation that disabled are rarely seen as being sexual and therefore we also have trouble conceptualizing disabled women as mothers. Though as you point out, having a disability does not necessarily disqualify an individual from being a successful parent.
