Saturday, November 6, 2010

Freek to Sheek

In Eli Claire's chapter of Freeks and Queers, we learn a lot about what is going on from a disabled persons point of view. These so called freeks are not just labeled as freeks. They have numerous names like retards, monkeys, and just plain being handicapped. The point that Claire is trying to make is that disabled people have feelings and are people too just like us. If we were to go out and call them deragatory names we are no better than them for even saying that.Disabled people are in fact normal they just take a little more time to fit in but that is not a bad thing. In fact, it is a good thing because it is our responsibility to help them and be friends with them so it can be easier for them to cope with society.

In class we were discussing our papers with our partners for the paper 2 assignment. It was very helpful to have some other person look at my paper for revising bevause they see differently than I do. My partner have me helpful tips and revising corrections to fix to make my paper better and more professional. It took a lot of time to have a good finished copy ready, but after numerous revisions and look overs of my paper I believe it is strong enough to achieve a good grade. Looking in depth to the stories I have chosen were also helpful in writing my paper because it allowed me to see what the message of the stories were and how they relate to everyday life. (Mason Roessler Post 16)


  1. If I understand you correctly, you are saying that the paper 2 assignment allowed you to make connections between the works we have read and real life issues of disability and difference? If so, I'm glad that the paper allowed you to make such a connection!

  2. Also, I love your title for this post. Very clever, though sheek is spelled chic.
