Saturday, October 23, 2010

What Does Bender Think?

The most confusing story I think out of Aimee Bender's work is "Hymn". The story was about mothers, fathers, and children, but it was so confusing. The children of course were not normal. They were see through or had books as bodies. The parents left the children, and you see that a lot in her stories, someone always has to be lonely.
I believe that Bender went too far in this story. For the last story in the book, I was so confused. I thought she would give a story that you could reflect on. The last story did keep with the same lonely theme, but you never know when she is going to stop with the imagination. The last line of the story was; "My genes, my love, are rubber bands and rope; make yourself a structure you can live inside." I feel like that line is how she sees herself. She made herself the person she is. (Nicole Butzke, Post 13).

1 comment:

  1. The interesting thing about "Hymn" is that we see an entire community of fantastical characters as opposed to just a single one. Does this story in any way summarize what Bender is trying to say throughout the entire collection? How might the idea of genes being like rubber bands and rope relate to what the stories are attempting to say about those who are "different"?
