Friday, October 22, 2010

A need for a companion

In the story "The Leading Man" we have a lot of sexual adventures for our key handed friend. It seem as though to become so-called normal or have something to connect with everyone else there a need to have sex. It seems that way for this character that is separated from society as different by virtue of his hands. I think the author did this to give him a more normal or regular person feel.
The romance first starts with a girlfriend, then some french fling, then finally his true love. This is similar to the blue eye beauty in "Girl who fell from the Sky". Sex was a way to cope with being different and for a night or a few seconds feel excepted. The blue eye beauty was used just like the leading man, in that there early sexual relationship seem to be for there partner a great idea to try something with a person who is deemed different or a freak. Both character were used for both sexual desires of another and to explode there freakish natural to them.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting observations on representations of sexuality in "The Leading Man." Perhaps Bender includes these descriptions of sexuality to show that despite have keys for fingers the leading man cannot unlock other people as if they were doors. The people he encounters remain as mysterious to him as they do to everyone else. Despite his extraordinary abilities he still has difficulty connecting to other people, just like everyone else.
