Thursday, October 21, 2010

Iron Head and Heart of Steel

In the story Ironhead that I did my critical source presentation on, there is much significance to this character who has and iron head. The rest of the family's heads are pumkins so he was different. He did not have any friends and was always an outcast to society. He hardly slept and this caused him to be exhauseted all the time and made him the way he is. It was sad to see he did not have anybody that could relate to him. He may have died of exhaustion, but I think he died of a broken heart. He could not take being lonely anymore so when he was sitting with other metal objects in the store he was in, it showed how desperate he was to have somebody or something around that was like him. This goes to show that just because somebody is different on the outside does not mean that they are different on the inside.

When we find out that one of Ironhead's siblings had a child whose head was a teapot, it was not the same has Ironhead. People excepted them more and the teapot head fit into society and made a lot of friends. I agree with the in class discussion on how the teapot weighed less than the Iron so it was a metaphor for the Ironhead having a lot to deal with being the only Ironhead around and since this teapot head came into the story, much weight is taken off due to her late uncle's struggle in society. One of the morals that i found in the story was don't judge a book by its cover. Just because somebody is different on the outside does not mean they are different in the inside. Everybody is unique in their own way and that is important to remember. (Mason Roessler Post 11)

1 comment:

  1. Posts for this week should be on "Dearth," "The Leading Man," or "Bloodchild." POsts on "Ironhead" were due the previous week.
