Saturday, October 2, 2010

A victim of her surroundings

This story brought out many things to my mind in what a mother who commits suicide with her children goes through. The author creates a sense of sympathy for this woman who in most cases people reading an article would say how horrible she is. But this woman went through so much being abused, neglected and just the problems bottling up in her life, who wouldn’t consider such things? It shows me that our actions towards others can put so much pain and pressure on a person that it would lead them to create a wall of isolation, a wall of no way out. If only we would consider how we treat people, maybe stuff like this would not happen. But oddly in this story, Rachel seemed to always love her mother even though she jumped off the building with them. This might indicate that she did understand what her mother was going through a little bit, maybe a portion of understanding that led to hold on to the loving mother that she had. Most people would hate their mother for what she did if they survived, but no Rachel. If we would only see things as Rachel did, maybe we would have more compassion in this world.

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