Saturday, October 2, 2010

Selfish or Selfless

Brick is a very important character in this novel because he allows us to view Rachel's life and her family's accident from another perspective. Most importantly, Brick gives us insight to Rachel's father, a man who would've remained a mystery to the reader otherwise. Throuhout most of the story we are unclear about why Roger and Rachel's mother split up and why Roger did not take Rachel in after the accident. Through Brick's story we are able to learn about Roger's motives. It's as if Brick has a "bird's eye view" of Rachel's life because he has insight about Rachel's father that Rachel herself did not know.
Through Brick we learn that Roger's motives were not selfish, but instead selfless. From Brick's narration of his hospitL visits shortly after the accident, it becomes very clear to the reader that Roger is in a very bad place. He is clearly an alcoholic and not in a good state. It also becomes clear that Roger's drinking was the reason for his split with Rachel's mother. Recognizing that his alcohol problem was negatively affecting his children, Roger left Mor to care for the children on her own. Despite his love for his children, Roger knew it was the ring thing to do. After the accident, Roger visits Rachel in the hospital; Brick is our only insight to these visits. Brick enables us to see that in fact Roger did deeply care for and live his daughter, and that is the reason Rachel is sent to live with her grandma. This is made clear to he reader when Roger tells Brick that he only wants Rachel to be safe. Roger knew that he was not in a state to give his daughter the love and attention she deserved. He knew his prescense in Rachel's life may do more harm than good. Altjouh some may think Roger was selfish for not cleaning up his act to care for his daughter, I think Roger's actions were more selfless than selfish. He made the best decision for his daunted at he time, and delft her with people he knew would love her and take care of her.
Cailee januszkiewicz-2

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