Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mrs. Morse on Mor and Boys

Rachel's grandmother makes it very clear that she does not want Rachel hangin around with boys. This opinion is directly related to Mrs. Morse's feelings about Mor. Mrs. Morse does not like Rachel's mother, in fact she dislikes her so much that she won't even acknowledge her existence. The only time we gain any insight on grandmas feelings toward Mor is when she is drunk. From these times, it becomes clear hat grandma thinks Mor was easy and slept around. She resents Mor for having children with her son, and may even blame Mor for some of her son's issues. Although it may be unfair to blame Mor, she is a scapegoat for grandma to blame, instead of havin to blame her own son.
Because of grandma's opinions about Mor, she is very weary of Rachel hanging out with boys. She thinks that if she allows Rachel to hang around boys, she will end up just like her mother. There is also mention earlier in the story of white women stealing all the good black men. Grandma obviously jinks very boult of her own son, and may resent Mor for being the white woman that stole her son and led him into a bad situation. Grandma wanted better for Rachel, she wants her to be well read, well educated and then to find a good man. She thinks that if Rachel gets caught up with boys early, she will not accomplish these other things.
Cailee januszkiewicz-3

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