Monday, September 13, 2010

The Road Not Taken

It was interesting to see how much time Elliot had spent with Mrs. Sens throughout the entire story. It was almost like Mrs. Sens became Elliot's mother. She took care of him by making sure he was fed and watching out for his safety. She would take him everywhere such as to the fish market and even when she would drive. Getting more into the story, Elliot began to know more about Mrs. Sens and how different she became since the story began. She seemed like she had it all together when she signed up for the job. She would have dinner ready for Mr. Sens and Elliot every night and she would be the kind of person that you would want to rely on. As the story continued however, you began to see some flaws in Mrs. Sens. She became very emotional at times such as when her family thinks that she lives in a palace and has everything when really she lives in an apartment. Another flaw is that she is terrified of driving which became an important plot point in the story.

We knew in the beginning of the story that Mrs. Sen couldn't drive. She didn't even have her license. She practiced with Mr. Sen from time to time but after a while she just wanted to give up or would always say "another time." The one day she did want to drive could't have come at a worse time. This is the fact that she got into an accident when Elliot was in the car and Mr. Sen wasn't there. She could have seriously injured herself and Elliot which became crucial to the story. I think when Elliot's mom found out what happened, she realized something. It doesn't matter how safe you think someone is anything can happen at anytime. This is when she decided Elliot didn't need a baby sitter that he was fine on his own. (Mason Roessler Post 3)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Mason. This would be your third post of the semester. Please number your posts on an ongoing basis, as opposed to starting back at "1" each week.
