Friday, September 17, 2010


A Rude Awakening

I believe there is a very subtle yet very important lesson in this story. When Ms. Hempels chooses the book for her students to read with all of the swear words in it and the abusive stepfather I feel like is her missing her past and seeing how much things have changed. She speaks of her father always being very loving and caring and how grades almost didn't matter to him. Well the past is the past.
I believe this book was a wake up call to both her and her students. She says at one point in the story how she isn't the type of person that can put a swear word in front of every sentence and make it seem natural like everyone else. To me this is her missing her past when words like glamorously, radiantly, and heralded were the words used to get people's attention not swear words like in today's society.

Anthony DiChristopher
post 3

1 comment:

  1. Interesting observations on the significance and use of words in "Accomplice." I would have liked to have seen you discuss this point a bit further, though. Really push yourself to give a thorough analysis in each blog post. Refer to the steps of close reading discussed in class as a guide.
