Friday, October 8, 2010

Julia vs. Rachel

Since I was not prepared for the Aimee Bender story today I decided I would try and compare Julia's story to Rachel's. We learn that Julia has a facial deformity. I don't like that word, but not really sure how else to describe it. This facial hair caused Julia to be an oddity that was viewed as a freak. She lived in a world where she was never seen as a woman but as an object to gawk at. In death she was still objectified in the glass case where people stared never truly seeing the real person except for maybe the Author. Now lets take a look at Rachel a light- skinned girl with one black parent and one white parent and on top of that she has blue eyes. In the Girl Who Fell From the Sky we could say Rachel's blue eyes were viewed as her deformity. We could also say that because of her mixed background we could also say she was viewed as a freak or someone who didn't belong. So as we can see these two women had some similarities and in many ways had similar stories.

I wonder how Rachel may have been objectified in the early 1900's or late 1800's. Do think back then if she would've died would she have been put in a glass case to gawk at? I think even in today's society we would still view both of these woman as somewhat odd. Yes we've grown a bit when it comes to children of mixed culture, but I think there would still be those looks just like Julia would still get today. These women along with many other people with something alittle different will always be viewed as freaks to a degree. So in these way I would say both these stories are very similar and we could learn a lot about ourselves from both of them.
Thomas Moss (post 9)

1 comment:

  1. Excellent comparison of Rachel and Julia. You raise many interesting points of connection that we have not considered in class. In particular, I think you speculation that if Rachel had been alive in the nineteenth century she may have been exhibited or seen as a freak is very fascinating. A question to consider would be: Why is it that society wants to put "different" bodies on display? What purpose does it serve?
