Friday, September 24, 2010

Lost Love

On pages 63-66, we our introduced to two characters Brick and the Soldier. This chapter seems so tragic and sweet. On one hand you have brick coming everyday to see Rachel who is in the hospital. Then we a strange man, who is a soldier sitting by the bed of Rachel with his harmonica. Both love her, one is there to support Rachel with an innocence kind of love, the other with support to but a lot of sorrow.
I see Brick showing a kind of love that just wants to be there and make her happy by learning to play her a tune. The soldier on the other you see a man with inner turmoil just slowly losing himself in the alcohol. It gives the idea that he is in some way blaming himself for what every happen to allow Rachel to be lying in the hospital. It is very strange at the end of the chapter, the statement he made to Brick. It hints at that maybe he is the one responsible for losing his love.

1 comment:

  1. Why is it that Brick is so fascinated with Rachel? Is he similar to Rachel in any way? Also, I believe by the soldier you are referring to Roger, Rachel's father whom we meet in this section of the book. I would have liked you to have said more about the idea that maybe he is directly or indirectly responsible for what happened to Nella and her children.
