Friday, September 24, 2010


I'd like to discuss what Rachel meant when she said she had "middle layers". I think she is talking about the things she has had to hide or didn't know about herself over the years. While living with her her dad and mom it seems she was not allowed to learn about her african side. We discussed the the passage where Rachel talked about how she wasn't allowed to watch certain movies and learn certain aspects about black history through her parents. Now maybe her parents were just trying to protect her or maybe in the society they were living in it was better if she just lived the european culture. I think though she is learning more and more about her culture now. This maybe one of those middle layers that shes been hiding and now she sees. I'm sure her family dying is another one of those middle layers she has been hiding. Her culture, her heritage, her past all of these could be the middle layers she is speaking about.

These "middle layers" may relate to her being the "new girl" in many ways. Perhaps it's her newly found cultural backround that makes her feel like she is a new person since now she actually gets to live that culture. It could be she feels new to this world she is now discovering. Maybe now instead of hiding behind the notion of being a "new girl" she's actually enjoying it. In a way she could feel somewhat reborn. Reborn into a new world a new society. She talks of layers maybe she is starting to peel away the top superficial layers and embrace some of the things she learned from her parents and the thing she is learning now creating this "new girl".
Thomas Moss (post 6)

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