Saturday, October 16, 2010


In my eyes, the story “Ironhead” by Aimee Bender, is a simple metaphor for a child who is born with different characteristics than others. Not necessarily weird but eccentric. The Ironhead finds solace in an appliance store because he is not accepted anywhere else. All in all the weight is too much of a burden on the Ironhead and he grows weary of his life. After he passes away, his sisters bear two children who are also pumpkin heads.

However, when the recessive gene re-emerges the teapothead is born. Ironhead may not have received the best treatment that may have been possible for him, however with the birth of the teapothead comes another chance to understand differences and go about learning from one another and past experiences to allow for a better environment. In this sense, the teapothead has a chance for a better life and the essence of this story is just that.

(Behrouz Ashrafi, 2)


  1. This post is a summary of the story "Ironhead" as opposed to an analysis of it. Your blog posts should focus on analyzing the readings as opposed to summarizing and restating what we have already discussed in class. Think of the blog as a place to practice your analysis skills for your formal papers.
